100 Follower Giveaway!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012
I am so thrilled to have reached the 100 follower milestone and I have decided to celebrate with a giveaway.  I think I might be the only blogger who hasn’t had a giveaway this summer.

I’m giving away an autographed book by Jerry Pallotta, 2 Smart Pals (one pink and one yellow), and a Math Through Language workbook.

Melissa  from More Time 2 Teach is donating her adorable 2012-2013 calendar set.
Maria from Kinder-Craze is graciously letting the winner pick an item from her TPT store.  Drop by her TPT store and check out her goodies.

Katie & Lisen from Second Grade Smartypants are giving away their Back to School Common Core Math Centers.

The giveaway ends Saturday night.  Please spread the word around to all your bloggy friends.  Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway



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