We have a winner!

Sunday, November 25, 2012
The lucky winner of the TpT gift certificate is…

Congrats Mrs. Phillips!  I’ll be emailing your gift certificate sometime tonight so check your email before you start shopping tomorrow.

I enjoyed reading all the comments that were left.  It’s good to know that I’m not the only one with a TpT fetish!

I hope you all have a great Cyber Monday.  I know many of you are returning to school after having a week off.  If you’re like me, it didn’t take long to get out of the school routine.  Here’s to hoping that Monday will be a quick and painless transition back into the real world!

The Countdown is On

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Cyper Monday and TpT’s big sale is almost here.  I have my wish list and credit card ready.  If you’re like me, a TpT gift certificate would come in real handy.

I’m giving away a gift certificate to one lucky person.  For more details, check this post.

Good luck and happy shopping!

It's time for some shopping!

Friday, November 23, 2012

I love this time of year!  After spending time with family enjoying some amazing food, it's time for some serious shopping. If you're like me, you have a few things on your TpT wishlist.  Honestly, I have more than a few (77 to be exact) and it's time to take care of that. TpT is hosting a sale and many sellers are joining in on the fun (including me!). Be sure to drop by and start snagging some great products.  To sweeten the deal, I'm going to have a drawing for a $10 TpT giftcard.  Leave a comment below with your email address so that I can contact you if you're the lucky winner. You have until 5 pm Central time on Sunday to enter the drawing. At that time I'll use a random number generator to pick one lucky winner. How many items do you have on your TpT wishlist?  What's the best thing you've bought from TpT?

 I'll race you to the checkout!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

I'd like to wish all my bloggy friends a Happy Thanksgiving!  This is a great opportunity to enjoy your time with friends and family and to count your blessings.  I hope you have a wonderful time and are able to find some time to relax.

Turkeys, Turkeys Everywhere!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012
I can’t believe it’s almost Thanksgiving!  It seems like this school year is whizzing by. At the rate we’re going, it’ll be Valentine’s in a blink of an eye!
We’ve been busy with our turkey activities and I thought I would share a few with you.  I don’t usually decorate my door, but I had so much fun with the Halloween doors that I’ve now planned out my door decorations for the rest of the year.  I plan to go with a simple design each time.  If you missed our Halloween doors, you can check them out here.

Here’s my door. As you can see – it’s pretty simplistic.

Here’s Liz’s door. 

We added a hat to Brenda’s door so her little monster would be ready for turkey day.  I think we’re going to add a Santa hat next month.

One of our annual projects is to have our students disguise their turkeys so they can hide from the hunters.  We always have really cute creations.  Here are a couple of my favorites from this year.

We have AR celebration every Friday for those kiddos who have met their reading goals.  We give the kids 3 activities to choose from and then let them sign up for the activity they want to do.  Liz’s group made toilet paper turkeys and they turned out adorable!

I have 2 more days before my Thanksgiving break begins.  I think I might just make it!  Enjoy the rest of your week!

Paper Bag Matter Book Revisited

Thursday, November 8, 2012
Hey, everyone!  It’s been awhile since I’ve posted.  I’m still here but I’ve been uber busy working on a few projects.
I recently updated my Matter Book that I posted about here.  It’s now bigger and better than it was before!

Here’s an example of a Sink or Float foldable I use every year.  I used to have the kids draw their own chart but too many of them have difficulty organizing their work space.  To preserve my sanity (what little bit is left), I created this chart.  Click on either pic below to get your own copy of my Sink or Float Recording Sheet for FREE.

If you’re interested in the entire Paper Bag Matter Book file, you can find it in my TpT store.
If you haven’t seen this yet, then you need to go check it out.  My bloggy friend Megan at I Teach. What’s Your Super Power?  is having a humongous 500 Follower giveaway!  There are a lot of awesome prizes to win but it ends this weekend so hop on over.

Have a great weekend and good luck in Megan’s giveaway!


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