Oh Snow!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Baby, it’s cold outside!!  I’ve been working on this new fact practice set for a couple of weeks now.  Ironically, I was able to finish it on a day school closed early because of icy conditions. 

For those of you who are familiar with my BOOM! games, OH SNOW! is the same game with a seasonal makeover.  OH SNOW! is a multiplayer fact practice game where students take turns drawing fact cards. They get to keep the card if they know the correct answer. The winner is the person with the most cards when the OH SNOW! card is drawn.


I created a set for each of the 4 operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.


I plan to store my games in cute snowman sacks I picked up at Walmart.

If anyone is interested in getting a FREE set, leave a comment below.  I’ll have a random drawing when the temperature here gets above freezing – sometime Sunday afternoon.


Stay warm and have a great weekend!


  1. What a fun game! I'm sure my third graders would love this for their multiplication practice!

  2. wow it looks like you have put in a lot of work - they look like a great maths rotation pack for practicing knowledge and speed of recall of basic facts.

  3. These look like such a great idea, my class could use this for a starter activity!

  4. This is so cute and a great idea! My 3rd graders love any new game I give them to practice their facts! I would love to win a free set! kferretti@peachtreeacademy.com

  5. I love these! They would definitely be great student engagement activities! I would love to win a free set!

  6. You're so sweet and generous. Thanks so much! My students would love these. What a great way to make learning fun.



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