Yummy Writing

Sunday, September 9, 2012
I hate to see coworkers move on to new schools, but the good news is you get a new teaching buddy with fresh ideas.  Here’s a cute writing activity that I stole from my newest teaching buddy.  Thank you Liz!

My teacher gave me a kiss and it turned into…

Each kid gets a Hershey Kiss and creates something with the wrapper.  The wrappers are flimsy so the kids have to be careful with their creations.  Our 3rd graders came up with some cute ideas.

I really enjoyed doing this activity with my class and I loved seeing what they came up with.  However… when I first read this story starter to my class, they got a little out of hand.  They are too big for kisses and I heard lots of grumbling.  In response, I held up the bag of Hershey Kisses and sweetly told them I thought they would want one but since I was wrong we could skip this writing activity.  And we did.  I had them put their papers up and we went on to something else.  They were definitely disappointed but I think I made my point perfectly clear.  A few days later we tried the activity again and their attitudes were much better!
This writing activity is a definite keeper and I look forward to doing it again next year.  I’ve typed up a template for you to use if you would like to try this out with your class.  Just click on the picture below to download it.  The frame I used is from Fancy Dog Studio.


  1. That is one of the cutest things I have ever seen! I love this!
    Leah @ Learning 4 Keeps
    Learning 4 Keeps

  2. Too cute! I can't wait to try it tomorrow! Thanks!!!



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