I love foldables! I love math journals! AND, I love seeing how much foldable goodness we can add to our journals. I even enjoy seeing just how poofy our journals get. I have a tip for you at the bottom of this post if poofy journals bother you.
My favorite type of foldable is one that requires very little prep time. It’s even better if it’s FREE! I found this neat freebie on Mrs. Lyon’s blog and it happened to coincide with what we’re studying right now. Without hesitating, I snagged it right up.
To add a little pizzazz to our journals we trimmed off the margins. Then cut out the title and cut off the note at the bottom.
We folded over the name section and cut it into strips to create flaps.
We then glued all our pieces into our journals.
Viola – a fast, quick and FREE resource for our math journals. If you want your own copy of this freebie, drop by Mrs. Lyon’s TPT store.
Poofy Journal Tip
Buy a package of 7 inch rubber bands. I got mine at Staples. Punch a hole at the top of the back cover and thread the rubber band through it. Then the rubber band can be as a strap to keep the journals closed. I’ve noticed that using the rubber band has made my journals less poofy (and easier to manage). You can see an example (although not a very good one) at the top of the picture above.
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