I’m going to start with how the markers erase when writing then move on to how they erase when they are being used for coloring. I think that I’ll be using my markers mostly for grading papers and modeling work on the data projector. Markers and pens just show up better than pencils.
For this test, I grabbed some erasers I found laying around my house. I included the eraser that comes on the cap of the marker. In my opinion, it works better than the rest. The best part is the eraser is angled which makes it easier to use.
Here are the results. All of the erasers worked pretty well.
Now for the coloring test. I like to add a lot of colorful diagrams to my science journal. In fact, I sometimes refer to my science journal as my coloring book. With that in mind, I needed to see how the Frixion markers would hold up because I do tend to make mistakes. I intentionally used the darker colors from the set since those would be the hardest to erase.
This is where I noticed a HUGE difference in the performance of the different erasers!! The eraser on the marker itself is the clear winner. You can still see faint traces of what I erased but it works good enough for me! I noticed the other erasers had worn down the paper and if I had continued to erase, I would have created a hole. The Frixion eraser did not damage the paper at all. I am amazed! I’m seriously considering getting the Frixion colored pencils. Not that I need them - I just WANT them.
On a side note, check out some of the fuzzies left behind by the other erasers. Frixion erasers don’t wear down so they don’t leave fuzzies behind.
Frixion markers are expensive but they are worth it. They had to have been made with teachers in mind, or at least, with me in mind. The cheapest I have found them so far is at Amazon. Click on the picture below if you want to go check them out for yourself.
Disclaimer: This is not a paid endorsement, but maybe it should be. ; ) I bought these markers after stumbling across them on the internet. I’m just really, really impressed.
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