I had some requests for the table of contents headers in addition to the tabs. So, I got my act together and bundled the two together in an editable PowerPoint file. Even though the included text is for organizing a math journal, you can change the text to fit ANY subject.
This file can be found in my TpT and TN stores.
If you liked the label I used on the cover of my journal, click the picture above to get a FREE copy. Whether you call them journals or notebooks, there’s a label for you.
I hope you’re enjoying the 1st day of August!
Love this idea! I'm going to revamp my math notebooks.
Lovey, lovey, lovey-love those! I would like to edit them for a science journal too!
Teach on a Limb
What a clever way to add some pizzazz. Students will love turning their regular boring books into something more functional. Great work!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much!!!
Great idea! I love how you organized the journals!
I have been researching how to better organize interactive notebooks. I was so excited today when I saw what you had made! I would love these!!